Establishing a Safety Net for Farmer Income

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We are committed to creating a social safety net for economically vulnerable farms, such as those struggling with debt and aging farmers.

Farmland Pension
  • To ensure the livelihood of elderly farmers, we provide monthly payments akin to a pension, using the farmland owned by these farmers as collateral. This service aims to stabilize the retirement lives of our aged farmers.
    Division Payment method Detail
    Lifelong Options Lifetime fixed-rate Provides a fixed monthly payment for life.
    More Initially,
    Less Thereafter
    Offers a higher payment than the fixed amount for the first 10 years, with a reduced payment thereafter.
    Allows the pension holder to withdraw money at any time up to 30% of the total payment
    Fixed-term Options
    (5, 10, 15, 20 years)
    Fixed Amount for
    Provides a monthly payment of a fixed amount for the period chosen by the subscriber.
    After the payment period ends, the corporation agrees to purchase the farmland and pays a greater amount than the fixed-rate method.
Business Rehabilitation Through Farmland Purchase Programs
  • At Korea Rural Community Corporation, we provide support for farmhouses temporarily affected by business crises due to debt or natural disasters. We purchase farmland from these establishments, using the sales proceeds to assist in repaying their debts, thereby facilitating business normalization. We also offer a long-term lease (7-10 years) on the purchased farmland, guaranteeing the right to repurchase it after the lease term.