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사이버 홍보


[홍보영상] 스마트팜혁신밸리 (영문)

  • 작성자 홍종휘
  • 등록일 2023-05-18
  • 조회수 126

* [홍보영상] 스마트팜혁신밸리 (영문)
Artificial Intelligence technology is becoming more like humans,
agricultural technology is becoming like nature
How will your life and the future of agriculture change
with our Smart Farm Innovation Valley?
Look closely, listen carefully to the implemented technology
intelligent farms, smart farms
Smart Farm Innovation Valley
The Korea Rural Community Corporation, which has been leading a century of agriculture in Korea,
has been improving the basic facilities of agriculture such as stable supply of agricultural water
since the start of the Irrigation Association in 1908
From 2018 to 2022, we established the Smart Farm Innovation Valley
in Gimje, Goheung, Sangju, and Miryang, which will lead the change in Korea agriculture
We are always in step with the new agriculture era,
expanding the development and dissemination of technologies for the modernization of agricultural facilities,
and thereby enhancing the competitiveness of agriculture.
We cultivate professionals in the field of smart farming
through a long-term, practice-focused educational curriculum that equips them
with practical skill of operation, management, and production in a real smart agriculture environment
For young people challenging themselves to strat a smar farm,
the Smart Farm Innovation, Velley offers the opportunity
to enhance thier cultivation and management capabilities by creating a lease-based smart farm to facilitate their stable settlement
We have a demonstration environment where developed smart farm equipment can be tested in a real greenhouse enviroment
The technologies demonstrated here play an important role as innovation agricultural solutions, enhancing agricultural productivity
and minimizing the impact on the environment.
Smart farming, which is receiving spotlight as a dream job for young people
who carry on the tradition of rural farming and interpret the future trends, ensure that the crops they practice on are shipped out as superior grades.
The professionalism and competitiveness of young people are growing together
In the Smart Farm Innovation Valley
Professional job opportunities for th youth are increasing
smart argricultural technologies are being developed
with the growth of companies, the local economy is revitalizing
The value of sweat transforms into the value of technology enhancing the leisure of raral life and
the happiness of farmers.
With our smart agicultyral technology
your life will become more perfect
The Smart Farm Innovation Valley
stands together with the bright future of the world's agricultural industry as a hub for smart farm technology
Korea Rural Community Corporation

  • 방송일자 2023-05-18
  • 테잎번호 23051802
  • 관련사업 생산기반
  • 키워드 생산기반
  • 다운로드 횟수 18
: 홍보실
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